WinUSB Maker v1.8 - The Windows Setup to USB Solution Hitskin_logo

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WinUSB Maker v1.8 - The Windows Setup to USB Solution 533483466
منتدى محبكها دوت | M7BKHa.CoM
السلام عليكم ورحمه الله وبركاتو

اهلا وسهلا بيك فى معهد اشرف النادى

سجل معنا اذا لم يكن لك حساب ، اذا لك حساب فدخل لترى مميزتنا

WinUSB Maker v1.8 - The Windows Setup to USB Solution 533483466
منتدى محبكها دوت | M7BKHa.CoM
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 WinUSB Maker v1.8 - The Windows Setup to USB Solution

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
Ashraf el_NaDY
المـديـر العـــام
المـديـر العـــام
Ashraf el_NaDY

WinUSB Maker v1.8 - The Windows Setup to USB Solution 294633292
المزاج : رايق
نوعـي نوعـي : ذكر
مساهماتي مساهماتي : 1528
نقاط : 61637
العمر العمر : 30
الموقع الموقع : مصر - الشرقيه
عضو فى معهد اشرف النادى

WinUSB Maker v1.8 - The Windows Setup to USB Solution Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: WinUSB Maker v1.8 - The Windows Setup to USB Solution   WinUSB Maker v1.8 - The Windows Setup to USB Solution I_icon_minitimeالسبت ديسمبر 17, 2011 5:35 pm

WinUSB Maker v1.8 - The Windows Setup to USB Solution 4602585
WinUSB Maker v1.8 - The Windows Setup to USB Solution | 1.3 MB
WinUSB Maker, is a tool to make dynamically any Removable Device as bootable with Windows Setup

faster drive backup / restore, including the MBR, the user can make an
full backup of the USB Drive including the MBR Boot Sector, and all
stored files
•Totally coded with maximum security, to avoid any
error, With the Protection Platform, never is allowed the format of
current Windows Drive
•Can work with Setup DVD / Setup Folder / Setup ISO Image
•Always format in NTFS System, make the device boot sector as same of HDD
•Force dismount for all devices, forcing the format if the device is in use
•Can make a DOS / GRLDR automated Bootable USB Disk
•Fastest file copy, maximum process priority level
•Identify compatible setup folders
•Support devices larger than 1TB
•Capture only removable devices
•Refresh all devices in one click
•Auto-explain the functions if the cursor is drawn
•Check the Folder and Device size, for better compatibility
•Dynamic Progress Bar and specific File / Folder / Status shown for works
•BIOS / EFI of the computer always recognize the USB Bootable as HDD, needed only make the boot for it

* DOS Bootable disk always formatted in FAT32
* Drive restore will format with NTFS Filesystem, without remove all partitions

•Windows 8
•Windows 7
•Windows Vista
•Windows Server 2008 / 2011 Family
•Embedded and Others based in Windows Vista / 7 / 8

* All versions / editions, including x64 systems
* PE / Live CD's Bootable Disks of this versions are supported
* Norton Ghost Live CD / Others based in 6.x Windows setup modules are supported

v1.8 [2011/12/17]
- Coding based now in .NET Framework v4.0 with some mods in the code
- Updated the filecopy engineering, 30%+ speed of older versions
- Now supports autorun protected devices for backup and restore
- Added the format in NTFS / FAT32 with total compatibility
- Updated the warning message box
- Updated the security features
- Optimized the core code
- Worked the UI

Home Page - N/A

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WinUSB Maker v1.8 - The Windows Setup to USB Solution
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